Friday, August 2, 2013

Come out, Come out wherever you are!

Oh Baby Neeley....I really think it is time for you to come out.  And I know everyone else is just as excited to meet you too.  Anytime now that you decide is good is great with me.  Daddy and I are ready!

This week I had an "ah ha" moment.  I finally realized why pregnant women waddle.  It's not necessarily because they have massive bulges in their midsection area (even though that do make it harder to do simple stuff) but it's because it HURTS!  I've got 20 pounds of extra weight sitting on my pelvic bone pushing down.  And not only is it pushing down, but it's spreading apart.  Ouch!  But as much as it is uncomfortable right now, I have to look back on the rest of my pregnancy and be grateful for such an amazing pregnancy.  I hardly had morning sickness.  I didn't have any swelling (with the exception of traveling).  I really had an amazing experience being pregnant and am truly grateful for that.

Monday I got a text from a good friend of ours here in Russellville.  Her daughter has played for us for the last 2 years for school and club so we have grown to love their family!  Her husband is a radiologist here in town so he has hook ups to the ultrasound room.  She texted me saying that there was an opening at the ultrasound room and wanted to know if I wanted to come by and take a peek at Baby Neeley.  Of course I jumped ALL over that offer.  I just wish Jonny was able to come too but he was down in Little Rock at a volleyball team camp with his girls.  It's always amazing to see the babe moving around in there.  It got me even more excited to have this baby then before!  Basically, she told me the baby is measuring 3 days earlier than my due date, measuring 7lbs 2oz plus or minus a pound and an oz.  So not super accurate but it's ok!  I was grateful that I was able to go get some information and even some pictures!  I know how sonograms are hard to see what everything is but I will post them anyway :)

This is a very close up on the baby's profile towards the right side with her hand up close to her face.  Check out those lips!  Definitely did not get those from me.

This one is a little harder to see.  But she is looking almost straight on.  I just love this one because to me it actually looks like a little baby.  I'm in love.

I also had fun doing a little collage of our growing baby.  It's crazy to really think about how a baby grew in my tummy.

This week I had my first cervical exam at my doctors appointment.  The whole appointment was seriously 4 minutes long because the doctor had to go deliver a baby.  Luckily she was able to squeeze me in before she left or I could have been sitting in that room for a long time.  She told me that I was dilated to 1 cm, 70% effaced and at a station 0 so basically half way into my pelvic bone.  No wonder it hurts!  For anyone that doesn't know what "station" means, check out this sweet diagram that came in the book we got at child birthing class.

I know that these cervical exams can't really predict when you are going to have the baby but I am pretty stoked that my body is at least making progress.  I have heard stories about how people were at 1 cm for weeks and had to be induced to people that went in and got checked and the doctor told them their cervix was shut tight and it would be weeks until they have their baby and they went into labor that night.  I know it doesn't really mean anything that I have progressed but I just try to stay positive.  I know she will come when she is ready.

Other than the doctors appointment this week and the spontaneous ultrasound, it has been pretty dull.  We are still doing volleyball lessons which is good because it keeps me active and walking around.  I know that helps Baby Neeley make her way down which is great with me :)  And we really love doing volleyball lessons.  It is amazing to watch players develop before your eyes.  I love teaching people the sport I love (and desperately want to play right now!) and teach them to love it too.

Ok...enough of my emotion rambling about volleyball.  Which speaking of being emotional...Oh.My.Gosh.  I have been so stinking emotional.  I cry over the little things.  I cried because I accidently deleted a sports clip Jonny had recorded on our DVR.  I cried at mutual on Wednesday.  I cry every time I see a picture of a mother and her new baby.  Yep...I would say I am definitely pregnant and just about to have a baby.  Ha.





38 weeks

  Total weight gain so far: Still at 22 pounds total weight gain this week.

How far along are you: 38 weeks

Maternity clothes: Ummm ya.

Sleep: Lately I have been dreaming and thinking about labor NON-STOP.  Two nights ago I woke up at 12:30 and almost woke up Jonny to tell him we needed to go to the hospital because I was in labor.  But the funny thing was, I was not in pain.  I was not having contractions.  My water did not break.  But for some reason I have convinced myself that I will go into labor in the middle of the night and so every night I think about it.  It's weird.

Best moment this week: I love doctors appointment but I would say the best thing this week was having that ultrasound.  It made it so much real and I can't wait to hold Baby Neeley!!

Miss anything: Walking normal.

Movement: Yes.  I know she is running out of room though!

Food cravings: No?  I like certain things but it's not like I HAVE to have it.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. 

Have you started to show yet: I'm a monster.

Gender: Girl

Belly button in or out: Flat/in-ish

Labor signs: Not really?  I don't think I am having Braxton Hicks.  I just have a lot of round ligament pain.  But really I don't know.  I have nothing to compare to.  I don't even know if I will have any painful contractions before I am in labor.  Some people don't!  Just taking it one day at a time.

Wedding rings on or off: On.  Luckily I have been blessed not to have much swelling.

Looking forward to: getting this baby out and holding her!  I am seriously soo excited.

Really random...but we are working on getting our pictures from our camera memory card to the computer from our New York trip and when I do, I will blog about it!

So until next week friends...maybe. :)

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