Friday, August 9, 2013

Last week...

I have made it to the last week of the 40 week long pregnancy.  I wish I could say that this will be my last week pregnant but we all know that she will come when she is ready and unfortunately we don't know when that will be :/  Oh well.  I was getting really anxious and over thinking everything I felt or didn't feel and realized that not only wasn't help her get here, but it also made for some really long and stressful days.  I have taken a new attitude towards the whole situation.  This week Jonny and I have enjoyed each other; doing things that we know would be more difficult when Baby Neeley decides to come.  We stayed late at friends houses playing games.  We went to a see a movie in the theater.  We played a game, just the two of us.  We were spontaneous.  Those, like many other things, won't be impossible when she comes but I think will definitely make it harder.  I am grateful for the little time that Jonny and I have left, just the two of us.

This weeks happenings:

*We played some games and our new but very good friend's house.  They just recently moved here from Utah and we LOVE them!  They have 4 precious kids and they are just hilarious.

*Jonny has had volleyball everyday and I have been able to go and watch.

*I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday.  My doctor said everything looked good.  He was on vacation last week so he wasn't the one that physically gave me the exam last week.  He said its hard to know for certain that I have progressed more since last week since it was another doctors opinion.  But he did say, knowing how that other doctor does exams, that he believes I have progressed.  He said I was 1 1/2 cm dilated and he said he normally underestimates to be on the safe side.  As far as station and effacement, he didn't really say an exact number but my guess is probably cause it was the same.

*Yesterday there was a team party for the 8th grade volleyball girls at the Pilkingtons.  Jonny and I went up there and hung out for hours.  As I was sitting there I started to realize that I was having contractions.  This was my first time ever realizing that I was actually having contractions.  Normally, I get them when I stand or go to the bathroom and occasionally when I walk, but I was just sitting.  So after the first couple I thought I probably should start timing.  I soon realized that they were coming every 5 minutes on average and lasting about 45 seconds.  I timed for an hour and they were pretty consistent.  So after an hour, I got up and started walking around to change position and see if that changed the consistency of them.  They weren't hurting at all so it was just the tightening.  This was close to 10 pm so I just thought that I would stop timing and just go to bed and if it was the real deal, that it would wake me up.  I got the bags packed just in case and went to bed.  I woke up around 2 with my stomach hurting but to me it felt like I needed to throw up.  I'm not sure what that was but it eventually pasted and I fell back asleep.  And here I am, sitting at work.  So I'm not sure what those contractions were but hopefully they were doing something.  I just always thought that Braxton Hicks were infrequent so it makes me think it was the real deal but then I'm pretty sure labor doesn't just stop after its started.  But what do I know...

My next appointment will be Wednesday this week because my mom is flying into town Tuesday night and wants to come with me!  I can't wait to see her and for her to be here for everything. :)

Well enough of this week...lets talk pregnancy updates!



39 weeks

Total weight gain so far: Up to 24 pounds total weight gain this week.

How far along are you: 39 weeks

Maternity clothes: Ummm yep.

Sleep: I have been able to sleep pretty well still which I consider myself very lucky.  I know that most pregnant women can't get a ton of sleep around this time.  I am sleeping as much as I can.  I'm trying to store up sleep for when I won't be getting much in the next couple of weeks.

Best moment this week: As weird as this sounds, the contractions were probably the highlight of the week.  And I say that probably because 1.) they didn't hurt and 2.) that is hope that my body is doing something to prepare for birth.  I will take anything that gets me closer!

Miss anything: As volleyball season is starting up and getting closer to the beginning of the school year, I am missing being able to practice and play with the girls.  I can't wait until I will be able to pepper and dive for balls and jump set!  I never realized how much I truly love the sport until I haven't been able to play for 7 months.

Movement: Yes. One second I feel her hiccups waaaay down low then she gives me a good kick to the ribs.  Poor Baby Neeley needs to come out so she can stretch!

Food cravings: Things sound good but I don't crave anything.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No. 

Have you started to show yet: I'm a whale.

Gender: Girl

Belly button in or out: Flat/in-ish

Labor signs: Last night was the first real sign I would say.  I have never been aware of the contractions until last night.  Not sure if they were Braxton Hicks or not but whatever they were, it was my body preparing!

Wedding rings on or off: On.  And no swelling since traveling.

Looking forward to: my mom coming! and of course the babe coming out and meeting the world!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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