Wednesday, August 14, 2013

9 things of pregnancy

So I am breaking the trend and writing a MID week blog post which was completely influenced by my amazing cousin.  I have always envied her blog and wish that I was as creative and funny as she is.  So instead of envying, I decided to try and be like her! aka pretty much copying her

Here is a link to her last blog post.  (hope that's ok Kar!)  :)

While I was reading her blog, pretty much EVERY single thing she was saying was the exact same way I feel with the minor exception of Number 4.  So here are my 9 things that I want to remember or have learned about pregnancy... (and yes, I am not creative to come up with all new 9 things so most of them will be my own version of her 9 hah)

1.  I don't think I really started to look like I was pregnant until around 26 weeks but I remember the first time that Jonny told me that I "actually" looked pregnant was at 21 weeks.  That was such a big deal to me because not only did I feel like I had been pregnant for so long but I could tell a difference and I just wanted other people too as well!  But as I am going back to all the million of pictures I took during pregnancy I would say that I think I finally started to look pregnant at 26 weeks.  The left is 21 weeks and the right is 26 weeks...

To me, the one on the left just looks like I ate a really big burrito.  The one on the right is a definite preggo belly.

2.  I FELT the baby kick for the first time around 16 weeks.  I remember laying in bed trying to fall asleep when something/someone felt like they flicked me.  My eyes shot open thinking that Jonny, for some reason, was flicking my belly.  Nope, he was facing forward watching Sportscenter.  I sat there for a second for the shock to pass when I told Jonny, "uh...I think I may have just felt the baby."  Being a first time mom, I had no idea what to expect or what it would feel like.  I had heard all of the expressions like "butterflies" or "little fish swimming around" or "muscle twitch" but I didn't know what I would think it would feel like.  I definitely fall under the category of "muscle twitch" especially when she was so little.  I SAW the baby kick from the outside for the first time around 20 weeks. I remember exactly where I was and what I was wearing.  It was seriously one of my favorite things about the whole pregnancy.  At that moment it really starting feeling real.

3.  People think that just because you are "pregnant" means that you are "incapable of".  This bothers me.  I am pregnant not incapable of things.  I can pick up things.  I can clean.  I can walk.  I am perfectly able to do lots of things.  It's nice that people are looking out for me but if I have always done something, then I can still do it while pregnant.  Don't they think about people that are pregnant and already have kids?  They still pick up their kids and do all the things they did before they were pregnant.  I can still do the things I did before even as a first time mom.  I guess it bothers me when people pull the "I'm pregnant" card too often.  I don't like to milk it because I feel like it's crying wolf.  If it's pulled the whole pregnancy long, people will start to catch on and won't be as willing to help you if you really need.  I would rather hold on to the pregnancy card and use it when I really need it.

4.  So this is one the things that my cousin Karly and I are different on.  Yes we have a name for Baby Neeley and no we are not telling people. I get asked constantly "why?"  And one of the reasons is the exact reason Karly mentioned.  I really don't care to hear about how the name was the "name of the biggest geek in school" or "the mean girl that took people's lunch money"...and whether you want people to give their opinions or not, they do.  Jonny and I love the name and that's all that matters.  I also get asked if the name is for sure or not and yes it is.  Then you get the question, "well what happens if she comes out and doesn't look like a ____?"  Well, I think if you start calling a baby a name, they will fit their name.  One last thing on names...another reason we are keeping it a secret is because I want something to be a surprise.  You already know its a girl, why can't something remain a secret?  And I completely agree with Karly that I think its super weird for people to refer to their baby and call their "belly" the name of the baby the whole pregnancy long... rant over.

5.  I can't stand people that make everything negative and when you are 9 months pregnant, its even more annoying.  I am due in 2 days and anyone that comes in to see someone or deliver something always asks me when I am due.  Well I have a coworker who EVERYDAY tells me that I won't be due until at least the 22nd because that's the next full moon.  So I say to someone "yep I'm due Friday" or "I have 2 more days" and he immediately responds and says "oh no you have at least 8 more days...or even more!"  Ummm...don't tell a pregnant lady that they are going to go past their due date (even though that is common for first time moms) but still.  I also hear ALL the time "oh man you have to go through the WHOLE summer".  Yep.  I have pretty much realized that since its the middle of August and summer is just about over and I am 9 months pregnant.  Thanks for pointing that out.

6.  I have LOVED pregnancy.  Just about everything about it I have enjoyed.  The first couple of months weren't that bad, the second trimester was AMAZING and the last couple months haven't been bad at all either.  I haven't been in too much pain.  I hardly had any morning sickness at all.  I was able to stay active, even though I didn't actually work out but I walked a lot and was always on my feet.  I have been blessed to be tall where there is a lot of places for the baby to grow up before growing out, hence not looking very pregnant for so long.  And I have slept pretty great the whole pregnancy long.  I don't think there is anything that I would ask or want to change the next time around.

7.  Karly hit this one right on the head!  I am just done with pregnancy by this point.  Everyday is a drag because I just want the next chapter.  I have done the pregnant thing for 9 months now and I am so ready to have a baby.  I had to start looking at it differently rather than hoping that everyday something would happen or I would go into labor because that obviously wasn't doing anything besides making the days go by so much slower.  I decided to do things that Jonny and I wouldn't be able to do or would make it harder to do with a baby.  That has helped for a little bit but now I am getting to the point where we have done them all and I'm back to feeling like anyday now I should be having the baby.  Ha

8.  I have learned that reading material on pregnancy and symptoms is helpful but can also be very dangerous for an over-analytic mind like mine.  I know a lot about pregnancy and what things are supposed to happen.  I have read lots of books, pamphlets and apps.  I have gone to classes and ask my doctor multiple questions just about every appointment.  I think its good to have knowledge on something.  But what I need to remember for next time is that everyone's pregnancy is so different.  I hear it all the time but the more I talk to people about what they have felt or when they had their babies, I realize that it is soooo true.  I can't predict the future and I have just learned by this point to trust my body.  I know when something isn't right.  (I really think that this is where the mother's intuition comes in that people always talk know "mom always knows" or "mom always finds out".  I think it starts in the womb)

9.  I have learned that getting ready for the day, showering, make-up, and getting dressed up makes you just feel so much better even though you may be hurting or just over being pregnant.  I think it has not only made me not hate the pictures I take everyday, but it really makes me want to stay active.  I think people tend to use pregnancy as a way of "letting go" of themselves.  Skipping make-up, wearing sweatpants, etc. and I think that just makes you feel the way you look...not good.  Yes...I have worn Jonny's basketball shorts and t shirts around the house and sometimes to volleyball lessons but other wise, I try to get myself ready and be some what put together.  Maybe that has helped me enjoy pregnancy more or maybe it just made it just made me feel like myself when I have a monster basketball ball under my shirt.

Even after all of these things, I still learn more about pregnancy everyday and I love it.  I hope all my pregnancy are as good as this one!  Now, just waiting to open the next chapter and learn all there is to know about taking care of Baby Neeley! :)

1 comment:

  1. Great post! You will love that you have this written down a few years down the road. So happy this pregnancy has been great, and I couldn't be happier for you and Jonny to meet that sweet little babe!
