Friday, May 3, 2013

It's Friday! :)

Friday is always the marking of a new week in pregnancy! 25 weeks now.  Sometimes I still can't believe that our lives will be changing before we know it. 
This week has been super busy starting with last weekend.  Saturday we did a fundraiser to raise money for the girls to go to girls camp this summer.  We bought 325 DOZEN of Krispy Kreme donuts.  We got up and started selling at 8am Saturday morning.  At 10am, there was the annual Party in the Park which is community outdoor party where people come and set up tables to sell things, arts and crafts, and anything else fun.  Except it was raining and it had to be moved indoors which wasn't that fun.  Our girls every year help run the crafts tables while our young men help set up/take down chairs and tables.  So we decided that we would be able to try and sell the donuts there.  Not so successful.  When they left the Party in the Park around 3-4pm, we were in the hole $600.  That means not only we hadn't made a penny but we were actually costing the church $600 more than usual.  Some leaders and girls went back out to the street corner and in just 2 hours, sold all but 70 dozen and were profit of $600.  The next day at church, the remaining 70 boxes were sold.  Overall, it was tough but lesson learned...325 dozen is A LOT!!  Just take a look at the picture.
This was our young women's presidents expedition packed to the brim!  She and her daughter went down at 4am to pick them all up.  She had to take out all of her back and middle seats from the all to fit.  That was one packed car!
Saturday night we met up with our good friends Molly and Neylon and went and had dinner with a couple that is moving from Springville, UT to Russellville this fall!!  We got into contact with them because Neylon is a peditrican and Nate (the one moving here) was just hired to be a family doctor.  During Nate's interview, he was explaining that he was LDS and Nelyon said to him that he has some great friends that are LDS.  So Neylon gave Saysha, Nate's wife, my number and we started talking and planning to meet up....hence the dinner.  They are great people and we are super excited for them to come here! :)
Sunday was just another normal Sunday for the most part.  Jonny was asked to speak but ended up not speaking because they ran out of time.  He had meetings before and after church (I guess that's what happens when you are the Elders Quorum President...).  After he got home, we hung out for a little while until we went over to the Bishops house for dinner.  His oldest daughter came home from BYU for the summer and I wanted to be there for when she got back.  We have become super close and I just love her!  She is on the left and her little sister is on the right.  They are just dolls!
Then Sunday night after dinner, we went to our weekly hang out with some other young couples in our ward.  The guys get together with a few investigators and the girls get together somewhere else and just have some girl time!  It's always so fun and something I look forward to every week!
One busy weekend that felt like it just rolled over into the week.  Volleyball after school practice started back up for Jonny 2 days a week.  Since most of the other sports are done, we are getting asked by multiple different girls for weekly lessons which is great!  I am just touched and blessed that they have that much respect as coaches for Jonny and I to want to have private lessons.  I guess between work, volleyball, lessons, church and trying to find time to be together, life has been busy!  Maybe it's just preparing us for what is to come in a few months....!
Keep reading for the weekly update... :)

So here is me at 24 weeks 4 days.  It's crazy what stripes can do for a pregnant girls belly...

Total weight gain so far: 8.5 pounds (So I got this idea from my cousins blog and I like it for journaling purposes...not so much for telling people how much weight I'm gaining...)
How far along are you: 25 weeks

Maternity clothes: Yes but I am still able to fit in almost all of my pre-pregnancy shirts.  And I was sick of wearing the same bottoms when it got colder so I finally put on my jeans and used my belly band!  That belly band saved me!! I have learned to love it.
Sleep: Pretty good so far.  I have my not so good nights.  I just wish Jonny could sleep better because we all know when the baby comes, it won't be so good.
Best moment this week:

Miss anything: I miss just the ease of everything.  Bending over, sitting up, going hours without having to pee, knowing my size of clothes, not having to pack a couple snacks everywhere I go, etc. 
Movement: Yes.  I was just telling my co-worker yesterday that sometimes I get caught up in life that I feel her but I don't think "that's a little human inside."  I think it becomes more real when I see her move or when I'm not so busy that I can sit and just rest my hand on my stomach.
Food cravings: Nothing.  I wonder if I ever will...
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.  But the thought about the pain of breastfeeding gives me the heeby geebys.  I will definitely breastfeed (if my body allows) but I know it hurts at first and I don't deal with pain as good as others.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.  So the two pictures above are to show what I look like in a sweatshirt that I didn't form around my belly and then the same sweatshirt with me forming.  Kind of crazy that you can still see the bump even without needing to form!
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out: In
Labor signs: No
Wedding rings on or off: On
Looking forward to: Seeing my parents, siblings and nieces/nephews and the two baby showers that are coming up in June! :)

1 comment:

  1. 1st of all...only 8.5 lbs?!!! I hope you never come across pics of me when I was pregnant...yikes. That's great though :) Oh, and you should probably stay away from those Nielsons, I've heard they're CRAZY. ;)
