Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ummm 8 weeks or less? Say whatttttt!?

That's right people. I'm 32 weeks. That means 8 weeks until my due date. But really the babe could decide she was sick of being cramped and that she was done cooking and come earlier. Holy smokes

I think about it just about everyday now what it will be like to have our own baby. What it will be like to be doing loads and loads of laundry daily. What it will be like to be on a schedule. What it will be like to only get a few hours of sleep a night. What it will be like not to be able to get ready in 10 minutes anymore. What it will be like to take vacations. What it will be like to go anywhere! Everything is going to change. I know I don't know how much yet but I know it will be crazy here for a while.

Speaking of crazy. I thought this week and next week were going to be so nice and relaxing with no volleyball but boy was I wrong. We had my birthday, 2 baby showers, Jonny leaving for Arizona and the craziest, busiest work week since I started 2 years ago.  Also, I have started working on getting the nursery organized.  I took a before picture and next week I will post the before and after. The before looks like a tornado went through it. Hopefully the after will look a lot better.

So lets start with my birthday. It crept up on me and before I realized I was 24. Man. I sure don't feel 24. Maybe after a kid I will though. Ha. My co workers are the best. They bought me these amazing sugar cookies. They seriously are so good. One of my co workers wrote '24' on them so I guess there was no lying about how old I was.

I really do work at the best place. Sorry everyone else. My work is the best. After work we had 3 private lessons. We are so grateful that we have knowledge of volleyball but more importantly that people trust our knowledge enough to want to pay for individual lessons. After the lessons Jonny and I went out to dinner to my fave Mexican food place here in town. Of course Jonny had to ask if they sing to birthday girls....

Yep he thought it was pretty funny. They sang for like 5 minutes! Longest birthday song ever! 

Jonny got me a camera for my birthday, our anniversary and pretty much everything for the next year because it was expensive! It's a canon 7D which takes photos and videos.  I told Jonny that I really wanted a nice camera before the baby came so that we were able to take lots of pictures. And now we have one that will take videos and pictures. I'm pretty excited to learn all about it so we can start using it when she gets here! Jonny also got me this book to help me :). He is the greatest. 

Sunday was Father's Day. Obviously. It's so fun to think that this will be Jonny's last Father's Day where he doesn't have a child. Jonny and I are so lucky to have the most amazing dads to look up to and learn from. I know that Jonny will be such a great dad. 

Tuesday I went and dropped off Jonny at the airport.  He flew to Arizona to visit his brother. I wish I could have gone but I didn't want to miss too much work. With leaving for a week to visit Utah and then leaving a few days when we take our trip to New York in a couple of weeks and THEN coming back and taking off for maternity leave, I just felt like that was just too much. I miss him and want him to come home!

Wednesday, my young women and leaders threw me a baby shower for mutual. They are so sweet. 

I loved the decorations so much that I begged a leader for me to take them home and use them in the nursery. I can't wait to hang them up. I will make sure I take a picture and blog about it later. The shower was perfect and we got lots of cute and definitely useful things. Thanks so much everyone who came and brought gifts and more the ones who put it on!

The next day was my big Russellville shower. I am so blessed to have so many people who love our baby girl already so much to want to throw us a shower. Thanks to my amazing hostesses! It was perfect. People showed up and it was a very enjoyable night. We again, got showered with gifts that will be so great for our little girl. We loved everything but I am in LOVE with the hostess gift. Let me tell you. My co workers have been sneaking around finding out what I love and need. I thought I was just confiding in my friends opinions but really she was just getting information. I have been researching this diaper bag, looking it up daily to see if the price has changed, asked a whole bunch of different people and read a lot about it online. I am so excited to use it and I think it is adorable!  What do y'all think!?

I feel in love with this diaper bag the second I saw it at my friends Ashley's house in Colorado. She has the same kind of bag but a different pattern. I immediately went home and started researching it. It's a petunia pickle bottom bag. It has some seriously cool features. It has a magnetic main compartment closing for quick closure as well as snaps for more secure closure. It has a front zip and fold out changing pad that is detachable for easy washings. In that front pocket also has a place for diapers and wipes so you don't have to dig around inside for them. The whole outside and inside is a wipeable material in case of spills. I love it! I just can't wait to fill it up with everything I need and use it! 

This weekend has been fun and very productive. I did all the baby's laundry. My friends came over on Saturday to help organize the nursery. We got all the clothes hung and put away. We got things stored away in the closet. The nursery is coming together. The last thing we need is crib sheets so I can put the rest of the bedding on and to hang the decorations. We also need to go shopping and get a few more things. Speaking if shopping...after our last shower, I have been looking on the yard sale Facebook pages around here and getting wicked good deals on the things we still need.  I bought a swing, play mat and bouncer for $80. Brand new the total of those 3 would be $200. All of the items were barely even used. The swing was at a grandmas house that was hardly used with her one grandson. The bouncer and play mat came from a lady that said her son barely ever used them because he didn't like them.  The swing is battery and wall operated. It swings side to side or front to back. It plays sounds and has a mobile. I was so proud of myself for getting such good deals. Take a look. They all look brand new in person!

The bouncer is a little hard to see because of the lighting but they are all jungle themed. I didn't want to get things that were the big items or toys that were for girls in case our next baby is a boy. I think they are perfect and I'm so happy with them!

Well that's pretty much a sum up of this last week. But before I can be done, I got to do my weekly pregnancy update :)

31 weeks and 3 days

31 weeks and 5 days...I think I look bigger when I don't wear shirts that are snug or that I don't hold close to my body for pictures

31 weeks and 6 days

32 weeks!

Total weight gain so far: I am at a total of 16 1/2 pounds weight gain. I go back right before I leave for New York. I will get an updated weight then. 

How far along are you: 32 weeks
Maternity clothes: Definitely.  There are a lot of ore pregnancy clothes that I am beginning not to be able to wear like dresses. Every Sunday I think I can still fit into some dresses and get bummed everytime. Ha. I will learn eventually. 

Sleep: Sleep is pretty amazing. I still don't wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. I must have a wicked big bladder or something. 

Best moment this week: Our two baby showers!

Miss anything: This week I miss Jonny since he has been gone. We aren't away from each other often so when we are, I don't sleep as well, I get bad dreams, and every little sound in the house stirs up scary thoughts. I just want him back!  I give big props to army wives. I don't know how they do it...

Movement: Yes.  Today in church I told my friends to watch my stomach. They thought it was so funny to see her squirming around in there. Then they felt her move (it's not really kicks as much as rolling) and they thought it was so weird! Haha. It was pretty funny.  That same friend also felt her hiccups the night before. Pretty magical thing if you ask me. 

Food cravings: No.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. But my sense of smell is out of control! I'm glad things don't make me sick. 

Have you started to show yet: Yes.  

Gender: Girl

Belly button in or out: Flat? Not in or out.

Labor signs: Nope. But I have had a few Braxton hicks. Nothing hat hurts though. I can just feel my stomach tightening. 

Wedding rings on or off: On.  And no swelling. 

Looking forward to: Our trip to New York in just a week and a half. I sure hope I can keep this baby inside me until after we get back!

1 comment:

  1. Cute diaper bag! And you get to sleep through the night without peeing because your baby is sitting up so high. Wait until she drops. ;)
