Tuesday, March 25, 2014


So here is my catch up post.  It will include everything that has happened the last 2 months... Here it goes!

*Naomi is 5 months old
*In Size 2 diapers
*She started to sit up by herself for a few seconds at a time but definitely could not have been left alone while sitting up.
*She learned where her thumb was but still wasn't all that interested in sucking on it.  When it did end up in her mouth, it was only there for a few seconds and then she was onto something different.
*She wore her first shirt (that wasn't a onesie) thanks to her cougar fan, Bailey!  She loved it and so did dad even though I got some grief from my Utah friends. :)
*She LOVES the mirror!  I think she thinks she is looking at a friend or something.  Anyway, we found out quickly, that was a way to calm her down if needed.
*She still falls asleep in her swing.  But she is starting to get to big because she can reach up to the mobile above her head and pull on the animals.  Little stinker.
*Put her in her door jam jumper for the first time and didn't mind it but didn't love it.  Hopefully she will like it soon!  Super blurry pic, Sorry!
*Started to ween off of nursing because I just wasn't producing enough anymore.  Saddest thing ever!  But Naomi didn't skip a beat and is still growing strong.  The first day I ever gave her a bottle, she was able to hold it on her own!  Where is my baby going?!?
*She is really starting to get a hold of the whole rolling thing.  She is now able to go back to front and front to back pretty easily.  However, she doesn't roll much in her sleep so I am able to put a blanket on top of her at night and her wake up with it still on.
*She has also been to a few volleyball tournaments already and is the BEST baby ever.  She sleeps through the noise, she isn't too needy (yet!) and she lets anyone and everyone hold her (ask me in a few years if I still like that).
*She loves all our players we coach and they adore her too.  But who wouldn't right? :)
*She is spoiled rotten but I don't care.
*And to top off the month of Jaunary, she got her very first car from Miss Molly!!

*I also randomly get pictures of the people that watch her and it has to be one of my favorite parts of the day.  Who wouldn't want to get cute selfies from this babe!?

1 comment:

  1. So sad about not nursing anymore!! I cried the last time I nursed Jr. I'll probably cry again the last time I nurse Eliza. Though, once you get over the sadness, it's nice having your boobs be your own again. :)
