Friday, July 19, 2013

Is this real life?!

First, my coworkers son got his wisdom teeth out this week and she took a video of him while he was coming off of anesthesia and he was acting strange.  Then my co worker and I watched the YouTube video of "David after the dentist" and seriously laughed the whole way through.  Hence the blog title :)  Anyway...moving on to more important things.

I have been having a lot of "real" moments where I sit and think about how this is going to be happening...soon.  Soon we will have a baby.  Soon I won't be getting to sleep through the night.  Soon we will get to use all those little baby clothes and cute diaper bags and car seat and everything I have been dying to use since getting it.  Soon school will be starting back up and Jonny won't be around all the time.  Soon I will get to see family.  Soon life is going to change!

Most of these thoughts came from just random realization that this happening and there is no turning back.  But last night, it became even more real.  My best friend, who is 37 weeks went into labor.  She texted me at 10:30 pm with the text "I'm having a baby."  Oh my gosh.  That is crazy.  I can say it all that I want that "I'm pregnant" or "I'm due August 16, in 4 weeks" but in reality, it will be happening very soon, maybe even sooner than I think.  That thought alone is scary but when it actually happens....oh man.

Well these days, as you probably can tell or imagine, I can't think of anything but baby.  When will she come?  How big will see be?  Will my water break or will I just have to know to go into the hospital when I think things are progressing?  How is breastfeeding going to go?  Will I produce enough milk?  Will everything go ok in labor that I will be able to give birth vaginally or will I have to have a c-section?  Will she be too long to fit into newborn clothes?  Will we be prepared?!?

Questions questions questions.  I don't like the thought of uncertainty.  I am a planner.  I like the know when and how things will turn out so I can be prepared.  I am glad that I have work and volleyball to keep my mind sort of distracted.  Luckily I am not stressing about not knowing; I just REALLY want to know! :)

This week has been a good week.  We got the crib sheets and sheet protectors on the crib which means we have finished putting together that part.  We still have decorating to do and a little more organizing.  The clothes have been put away for a couple of weeks but its the other random stuff that I just need to find places for rather than the floor.  Ha.  I will take pictures of the after when its completely done which hopefully will be this weekend.  Jonny has been working his bum off this week and I am extremely grateful.  He did have some time to go golfing which I am glad about.  I know he enjoys it and that makes me happy.  I am glad that he has found something that he loves and that he goes and does with his buddies.  We did go on a golf date which was also nice.  Anyway, Jonny played some days and the other days he worked around the house.  He got the garage cleaned out and organized.  He built himself a work bench to organize his tools on and be able to work on.  He took everything out and brushed out the dirt and leaves that had been accumulating for two years.  After he did that, he went out in the ridiculous heat and mowed the front and back grass.  He amazes me daily of how hard he works.  Check out his work bench!  Pretty cool huh?

This coming Tuesday, I have my first weekly appointment cervical check.  That means they are checking to see if my body has started to progress into labor.  They will be checking to see if I have dilated or effaced at all.  My mom is planning on coming out here when I have the baby so after my appointment I will let her know what happens and she will make her plane flights accordingly!  I am so excited to have her out here to help me learn all I need to know about motherhood.  What a wonderful example I have to look at too!

So really random picture since I don't even know who this little girl is (it was posted on one of my friends Instagram page and I loved it so I had to take a screenshot and send it to Jonny and now sharing with all of you!) I love this picture because little Baby Neeley is going to be this girl in about 6 months and pretty much for the rest of her life.  She will be in the gym watching volleyball games as long as Jonny and/or I will be coaching, starting this August just a couple of weeks after she is born.  :) 

Another random picture...Jonny and I were doing some volleyball lessons yesterday when I was shagging balls and looked down at my hand as I went to pick up a ball and saw this....look at those veins!!  They were monstrous.  I just kept looking at them and thinking, man a nurse would be in heaven right now!  Baby's do some weird things to your body...

Well, that's it for this weeks catch ups.  Now onto the pregnancy update! :)




36 weeks!  Don't I look huge?! And I think the baby has dropped...maybe?

 Total weight gain so far: Well I am down to weekly appointments.  That means my weight will be going up every blog post.  Since my last doctors appointment two weeks ago, I have gained another 1/2 pound to make the total weight gain 20 1/2 pounds.
How far along are you: 36 weeks
Maternity clothes: Ya and I am losing options.  I can't really fit in many pre-maternity tops and I feel like I just wear the same outfits everyday.  Oh well.  Nothing I can do about it.
Sleep: Sleep has actually been good to me except I just can't seem to get enough.  So tired all the time.

Best moment this week: I just love when she is moving around and other people want to feel her too.  I don't mind people touching my stomach because I want them to be able to feel the amazing blessing that is growing inside.  I get to feel her everyday and I am glad I get to share that with people too!
Miss anything: I miss my energy.  I can't do a lot without getting winded and I know a lot of that is my own fault for not doing a better job working out during the pregnancy.  But I know some of it is because of how tired I am and that I am carrying around 20 extra pounds than I am used to.
Movement: All day every day.  Still loving it.  I like to try and guess what she is actually doing in there.
Food cravings: Nope.  I have enjoyed sweets more these days than I did earlier in the pregnancy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.  I don't think I ever really had anything that made me sick. 
Have you started to show yet: Um yes.  I feel like a whale some days.
Gender: least I hope! :)
Belly button in or out: Flat/in-ish/I have no idea
Labor signs: I am getting Braxton Hicks daily now.  Nothing else though.  The Braxton Hicks don't hurt or anything so I am not worried.
Wedding rings on or off: On.  Luckily I have been blessed not to have much swelling.
Looking forward to: Our breastfeeding/infant care class Tuesday.  Also, I'm looking forward to my first cervical exam (I have heard that it hurts or uncomfortable but I just want to know what my body is doing, if anything).  I am hoping for my body to be progressing somewhat but I am not going to have my hopes up.

We love y'all and thanks for reading! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! The 36 week mark is simultaneous the best and worst part about pregnancy. Best because the baby is full-term, so whenever she comes she will be healthy and have minimal risk of complications. But, worst because now begins the daily, or rather every moment, thought, "This baby could come now...NOW....NOW!!!" :)

    The cervical exam isn't too bad. It's slightly uncomfortable, but it largely depends on your doctor. I've had some where it was more uncomfortable with others. In case your doctor doesn't warn you (mine didn't), the cervical exam can release a little blood, so some minor bleeding in the few hours after the exam is normal. My dr didn't tell me that when I was pregnant with Jr, so I totally freaked out and was ready to drive to the hospital thinking something was horribly wrong. Thankfully, my sister-in-law was with me and she let me know everything was fine.

    Right now, I'd love to trade places with you. I'm so sick of getting grossed out by all food smells. :)
