Friday, May 24, 2013

3rd trimester....what what!

That's right people, I have officially entered my 3rd trimester!  Woot!  I am actually kind of sad about leaving the second trimester behind.  That really was the best time for pregnancy so far.  Here's a recap of some things that happened during my second trimester that I will miss:
---Energy! I hear this goes away for the last couple of months and pretty much until the baby sleeps through the night and we start getting sleep.
---finding out the sex of the baby.  This was such an exciting time.  We counted down the days to find out. 
---getting a "baby bump".  I am going to miss my small little baby bump especially as I start to get ginormous.
---dumping traffic control.  That's right.  My company back in December sent me to traffic control school to learn how to put up barrels in a construction zone.  For 4 months after that, I drove up a down 20 miles of the interstate checking barrels to make sure they were still in place.  If they were knocked over, I had to get out and replace them.  That was quite an experience.  I got a few honks here and there but I think I gained a better understanding of what goes on out on the job.  I wasn't showing really then (at least not through my sweatshirts) but my boss got other people certified and replaced me as soon as he could.  I really kind of miss it because I felt like I was in "the know" but on the other hand, I am really grateful to be back in the office with the two girls.
---3D ultrasound!  Seriously, the best thing during pregnancy for me is being able to see the baby during an ultrasound.  It's reassuring that everything is going well especially during those early weeks when you aren't feeling as much.  This time, we got to see our baby in 3D (see picture below).  It wasn't the best picture the tech could have gotten but our little girl was just soooo stubborn and would not move her head away from the side of the placenta for the tech to be able to get a good picture of her.  The tech said that the baby loved being spread out but smooshed at the same time.  Whenever I moved around to give her more room, she would stretch her neck out and kick her feet and then huddle her face right back up against the placenta.  It was still fun to be able to see the 2D of her moving around.  It really makes it reality to see and feel her moving at the same time.  Sometimes I get so busy that I know she is moving but I don't always think about what it means.

---being cold.  This whole pregnancy so far I have been cold.  I have a feeling with the humid summer coming up soon that will most likely change.  I just wish that I could have a swimming pool in my backyard to go sit in whenever I want.  I have had multiple friends offer their pools whenever I wanted which will be nice. 

Looking back at some of the things from second trimester just made me realize that it has been great but what is going to come in 2 1/2 months while outweigh that all.  Last night as Jonny and I were laying in bed talking, the thought of us really being parents and taking care of this little baby became a little more real.  I thought how long Jonny and I have been uncles and aunts and how awesome it is to be able to play with them but never be the bad guy.  We never had to change the diaper, put them down for naps, put them in timeout, discipline, or anything that would make them not like us.  We just play with them and give them back to their parents when any of those happen.  Last night was one of those moments.  I thought about how they will be given back to us when they are hungry or tired or crying.  I had a brief moment of fear before I fell asleep that I wouldn't know what to do.  I wouldn't know why she was crying or when she is able to start eating certain foods.  I just hope what everyone says about "you just will know" will come true.  I know that Jonny will be a great dad but sometimes I hope that I can do a good job too.

One last thing from this week.  As most of you know Oklahoma got hit by that huge tornado.  They were thinking that some parts of Arkansas and Texas might be hit too.  Luckily, that didn't happen (as far as I know).  Living in Arkansas we are technically a part of "tornado alley" which is kind of scary.  However, Russellville is kind of in a valley surrounded by a few mountains that makes tornados hard to get inside.  A tornado hasn't hit Russellville in years and probably won't happen often which is nice to know.  But that doesn't mean we don't get the thunderstorms.  Thunderstorms in the south are nuts.  The lightning is so bright it lights up a room at 2am and the thunder is so loud that it sounds like a bomb is going off in the bathroom.  The other day, we had a bad storm come through that literally woke Jonny and I up in the middle of the night because it was so loud and so bright.  The next morning as I was driving to work I saw this tree.  It was 2 houses down from ours and the tree was split in half.  It was crazy to think that a thunderstorm did something like this.  Trash cans were flown all across the street.  It sure felt like a mini tornado had made its way through, just without all the casualities and destroyed homes.

A weekly blog post wouldn't be the same if I was missing the weekly update right?  Here we go!

 On the left is yesterday at 27 weeks 6 days and on the right is today at 28 weeks.  Is it just me or does it look like I grew overnight?!?

 If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you saw this picture the other day.  On Tuesdays, people put "Transformation Tuesdays" on Instagram where they put a picture of what they use to look like and a picture of themselves now.  I thought I would do that with the first picture I took when I found out I was pregnant to the beginning of my 3rd trimester.  Most likely I will do another one when I am about to pop.  I guess I just get so used to being pregnant now that I forget my stomach has changed so much.

Total weight gain so far: Hopped up to 16 pounds this last doctors visit.  I have to be constantly reminding myself that gaining weight right now is a good thing.  The baby is growing a lot every week!

How far along are you: 28 weeks

Maternity clothes: Yes.  And this last week I was able to wear my maternity swimsuit for the first time.  Me and the swimming pool will become best friends this summer.
Sleep: So tired every night but sleeping great! 
Best moment this week: Being able to see our baby girl and knowing everything is looking great!

Miss anything: I miss my family, Shardlows and Neeleys! Sometimes its hard being away from family especially when you are emotional.  Can't wait to see them! :)
Movement: Yes and loving it.  It's stronger but not too strong.  I keep hearing about how at the end it starts to get a bit uncomforable because they are so big and you run out of room.  I was able to let some of my friends feel her move too which was exciting.
Food cravings: I'm pretty sure they will never come. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.  I hope that ended in the first trimester.

Have you started to show yet: Yes.  Getting bigger everyday!
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out: In
Labor signs: Nope
Wedding rings on or off: On and no swelling. I hope with the hot weather coming that it will stay that way too.
Looking forward to: NEXT WEEK!!! That's right! We leave in ONE week!! Oh my gosh.  I am so excited.  I think it will be so much fun for us to be able to see friends and family and to get away from our normal routine for a week.  And that week will be jammed pack with fun things to do!

1 comment:

  1. You seriously popped out overnight! Whoa! Super cute!! :)

    So, yes, you'll just know, and no, you won't. There are times that I don't know why my baby cries or I don't know that he's sick. Sometimes I've had to just put him in his crib and walk away because I don't know what's wrong. There have been times when I've just known something was wrong and we take him to the doctor to discover a double ear infection without any signs (no rubbing ears, no fever, etc.). There's also been times I've taken him to the doctor and he's been just fine (they were happy to take my $100 to tell me that), or times I've taken him to the doctor to discover a double ear infection and had no clue anything was wrong. So, sometimes you'll know, and sometimes you'll get to be the clueless parent like the rest of us. :)

    And, as my sister-in-law told me when I was pregnant with Jr, write your book on how to be the perfect parent now, while you still know everything. :) This is largely what makes parenting so hard--every kid is different, and no matter what anyone says, nothing works for every kid. Just take it one day at a time, listen to others advice just enough to glean out the good, and ignore everyone who thinks they know better than you do what's right for your kid. Oh, and lots and lots of prayers--that helps too. You'll be great, as evidence by the fact that you're the favorite aunt. ;)
