Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New adventure, new blog

Ok peeps...I have decided; new adventure, new blog.  ( thanks to my cousin Ashley for this idea.  I like it!) We all know how terrible I have been with updating my blog but now with this new addition coming into our lives in just 4 short months, I figure I really want to be sharing our experiences with everyone!  Jonny and I have been doing our best to write down cool, exciting moments but now we will hopefully have another record with some pictures too.  So sit back and enjoy our NEW blog and lets all keep our fingers crossed that I can do a little better job than last time :)

PS...this post will most likely be the longest because I am going to try and do a quick update. 
This pregnancy has been pretty easy going.  I am lucky to say that I haven't had much morning sickness at all.  I did have a little bit of nausea here and there but mostly when I didn't eat for long periods of time.  I was hit with some pretty bad colds, which are worse when you are pregnant because you can't take what you normally would.  That was pretty brutal but I overcame that.  I was pretty dang tired all the time.  It felt like, no matter what I did, I just could not get enough sleep.  I was going to be at 8:30 almost every night and when I woke up, I was still tired.  I tried to take naps during the day but 15-20 minutes just didn't seem like enough sleep.  But let me tell you, the first day of the second trimester, I swear...everything went away.  I had so much energy.  I wasn't nausous.  Life was great.  People don't joke when they say the second trimester is FABULOUS! That was until a couple weeks later and I felt so great that I didn't feel pregnant anymore.  It was like I missed feeling nausous because it was that reassurance that there was something there.  For me, weeks 13-16 were great but so hard at the same time.  I was constantly wondering and hoping that everything was ok.  I guess that was my "mom" coming out of me.  Then, something amazing happened.  I was laying there in bed one night around week 16 and felt like something flicked me....from the INSIDE!  I had no idea what it was or if I had really felt it.  I told Jonny that I might have felt the baby move, but sat and sat to try and feel again and nothing.  A few weeks later, I realized that the flick was exactly that.  I felt her move more and more each day.  I would even go days without feeling her move.  That didn't really scare me as much as it did Jonny.  I knew that she could be facing a different way, or behind the placenta, etc. but Jonny got nervous.  Right about 20 weeks, my lower stomach started to hurt.  It felt like pre period cramping.  I hadn't felt the baby in a while and started asking some other people if this was normal.  I was still in my normal jeans with just a hair band wrapped around the button which allowed just a little bit of space.  I ended up going in to make sure everything was ok because the cramping was something that I hadn't felt.  The doctor told me that I was just hurting because of my pants and too much pressure because the entire baby was laying sideways down at the very bottom of my uterus.  No wonder!  I was just glad everything was ok.  Ever since then, I have worn maternity pants everyday and I am already running out of things to wear.  Oh boy.

To go along with my stories, here are all the 'belly bump' pictures (and I say that in quotes because I feel like I just barely started looking like I was pregnant)  Enjoy!

First picture...I guess a "before" picture.  4 weeks

Not much of a change.  6 weeks
I didn't feel like I grew at all up until now so I didn't take any pictures week 6-14.  This is 14 weeks


Week 16

16 week 3 days!  I couldn't believe the difference between 16 weeks and this one.

Sometime in week 16
Week 17

Baby profile at our anatomy ultrasound.  I love baby profiles.  Precious!
19 weeks

20 weeks

Now that I am finally caught up, here is this weeks updates!  I wish I would have done this weeks ago but I feel like it wouldn't have changed much week to week. 

How far along are you: 21 weeks

Maternity clothes:
Yes...and I am missing the ease of throwing on jeans and a sweathirt.

Hardest thing ever.  I wake up every time I roll over, which is like every 45 minutes.  I have always been a back sleeper and it is killing me not sleeping on my back.  I am trying to get myself used to not being able to for when my belly gets huge.  I occasionally get a really good nights sleep but its mostly after not sleeping well for weeks.  I think my body just gets so tired that I finally sleep through the night. 

Best moment this week:
A few nights ago when Jonny was able to feel the baby kick.  It was great to finally be able to share that with him.  :)

Miss anything:
The wide variety of my wardrobe.

All the time.  She goes crazy around 8-9pm which I love because then the day is almost over and I can enjoy every moment of it!

Food cravings: None.  Fruit has always sounded good but there hasn't been anything that I HAD to have.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope not really. 

Have you started to show yet:
 People tell me I have but I still don't feel like strangers would know I was pregnant.  So I guess half and half.

Baby girl :)

Belly button in or out:
In and I hope it stays in...

Labor signs:

Wedding rings on or off:
On.  However, when my hands get cold, which is often, I have to take it off because I am scared that it will fall off.

Looking forward to: Appointment next week.  I love my doctor and my doctor appointments.

If you made it, congrats and thanks!  ha.  I know that was lengthy but I am hoping that I can keep this going.  Yay for new adventures!!

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