Friday, October 11, 2013

5 on friday

Taking this from my cousin (surprise surprise) :)

The five little things that I am most thankful since becoming a mom...

1. The morning baby smiles that make the sleep deprived me instantly happier.

2. The boppy that has saved my arms while nursing!

3. The fact that my arm muscles get a work out pretty much all day everyday, between carrying her, carrying her car seat or lugging around the 15 lbs of diaper bag.

4. The pacifier. I don't think this needs an explanation. Haha

5. Sleep. When I get sleep, I am a much happier person with a tons more patience. Sleep is precious these days.

Monday, October 7, 2013

newborn and 1 month pictures

Not a lot going on here besides trying to keep up with how fast Naomi is growing.  She is 7 weeks old today!  And yes...I am just getting around to putting her newborn (thanks Ems!!!) and 1 month pictures up.  But hey, at least I'm doing it right?

Things are starting to get easier.  She has more of a routine.  She also has more awake time which makes playing with her so much more fun.  I go back to work in one week from today and I will miss her but I also think it is best for her and me.  I know that a little time away will help me with my patience and it will also help her to be able to interact and trust other adults.  I am so blessed that I have friends that I trust and that are willing to help!  And of course a job that is so amazing!  I have said time and time again how blessed I am to have this job. 

Naomi now smiles when she is awake and is the happiest right after waking up from a nap or in the mornings.  She sleeps 4-6 stretches at night which is nice.  I am looking forward to when she starts sleeping through the whole night.  She eats about every 2 hours (maybe that's how she is growing so fast!) She loves to "talk".  She holds her head up pretty well and actually LOVES tummy time which is wonderful.  My friend who is also her doctor says all the time how advanced she is which is nice to hear as a mom even though I had nothing to do with that.  She also knows what she wants.  If Jonny and I are holding her and she is crying and nothing seems to work, the second we put her down she is happy as can be and will lay there for at least 15 minutes just wiggling away.  She has very good control of her eyes and does a great job tracking whatever is moving around her.  She loves to watch the ceiling fan go around and around.  Although she has her fussy times, she is a joy to be around and she melts my heart completely.

Now for some pictures!  Enjoy.

We decided that we would take her monthly pictures in a ball cart...

And a few others just for fun! :)