Friday, August 16, 2013

Well it's here

So today is my official due date.  That means I made it.  I made it to 40 weeks.  Although I wanted her to come earlier, it's funny how things work out better after you realize.  Jonny started back to work this week, even though the kids don't go back to school until Monday.  He had classes all day every day this week which means if she would have decided to come early, he would have missed those classes which he would have had to make up throughout the year on other days they had off of school ie Presidents Day, Memorial Day, etc.  AND he would have also had to use his sick days to get out of the classes.  Here in Arkansas they don't give the dads any Paternity leave.  lame.  He would have to use his sick days anyway once school starts to get off work but he wouldn't have to make up the hours of classes.  So I have decided that even though I was ready for her to come, she was just looking out for daddy.  Good girl!

So my Mom came into town on Tuesday! YAY!!  I sure love my mom.  All of my family actually.  I am really blessed to have such an amazing family and marry into such an amazing family.  Since she has been here, we have tried 3 new recipes, gone shopping, went to the doctors appointment and watched a movie.  It has been so nice already to have her around and she is still staying for 1 1/2 more weeks at least!  I am so happy that she has been able to come out and help out.  I know that I would be lost without her when Baby Neeley comes.

Wednesday morning I had my doctors appointment.  He told me that I was an easy and loose 2 cm and he probably could have stretched me to a 3.  We discussed the options (induction, waiting or striping membranes) and decided to skip striping the membranes at that doctors appointment because he didn't work the next day and he wasn't on call this weekend so if striping them worked, it would increase the chance that he would not deliver my baby.  It's obviously something that I can't completely handle of when the baby comes and if my doctor would be on call or working which is fine.  To me, the most important thing is a healthy baby.  With that being said, we did decide on a induction date of Monday August 19 so our baby will be here in less than 3 days!  3 DAYS PEOPLE!! or less if she decides that she wants to come before.  I hear that a lot of people set an induction date and their baby ends up coming on their own like the day or two before.  I would be even more happy with that! :)

Yesterday, I came home a little early from work because my stomach was hurting.  Not like sick hurting, like baby is coming hurting.  Lots of cramping and being uncomfortable.  Then it stopped a few hours later.  It had to have been doing something right?  I sure hope so!

Here's to a new day and my due date!  Everyone keep those fingers crossed and maybe we will have Baby Neeley before Monday!

Here is my LAST pregnancy update (well for this one at least).  Wow!  Here it goes...lots of pictures!





40 weeks.  The bottom left picture is one of the apps that I read daily with tips on pregnancy.  Under Countdown instead of having the days, it just says "Today is the day!"  I wish she came today...

Total weight gain so far: Up to 24 1/2 pounds total weight gain this week.

How far along are you: 40 weeks.  The end

Maternity clothes: Still.  Weird huh?

Sleep: So tired.  Trying to get as much sleep as possible to get ready for labor and long nights after that.  Still very much enjoying sleep!

Best moment this week: Setting an induction date was pretty awesome cause now I know for a fact that she will be here in less than 3 days!  Some of the unknown is gone!  And of course picking up my mom and having her stay with us for the next couple of weeks! :)

Miss anything: The rest of my family.  I know its impossible to just pick up and come out but I sure miss them.   Hopefully I will be able to see some of them in November when we bless our babe.

Movement: Always

Food cravings: Gosh.  My mom and I made these A-MAZ-ING Reese's peanut butter muffin cookie things.  They are to die for!  I guess you can say I crave those because they are just so good.

Anything making you queasy or sick: My last exam actually made my nauseous when he was doing it.  I guess because he was really poking around.  It hurt and made me almost throw up.  Not fun.

Have you started to show yet: I'm almost done with her being inside.

Gender: Girl

Belly button in or out: Flat/in-ish

Labor signs: Sure.  Thursday's cramping sesh.  Surely that was doing something.

Wedding rings on or off: On.  And no swelling since traveling.

Looking forward to: This weekend as it will be our last before Baby Neeley comes.  And then of course Monday and having the babe!

So this really is my last post as a first time pregnant lady.  I hope you weren't too bored. :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

9 things of pregnancy

So I am breaking the trend and writing a MID week blog post which was completely influenced by my amazing cousin.  I have always envied her blog and wish that I was as creative and funny as she is.  So instead of envying, I decided to try and be like her! aka pretty much copying her

Here is a link to her last blog post.  (hope that's ok Kar!)  :)

While I was reading her blog, pretty much EVERY single thing she was saying was the exact same way I feel with the minor exception of Number 4.  So here are my 9 things that I want to remember or have learned about pregnancy... (and yes, I am not creative to come up with all new 9 things so most of them will be my own version of her 9 hah)

1.  I don't think I really started to look like I was pregnant until around 26 weeks but I remember the first time that Jonny told me that I "actually" looked pregnant was at 21 weeks.  That was such a big deal to me because not only did I feel like I had been pregnant for so long but I could tell a difference and I just wanted other people too as well!  But as I am going back to all the million of pictures I took during pregnancy I would say that I think I finally started to look pregnant at 26 weeks.  The left is 21 weeks and the right is 26 weeks...

To me, the one on the left just looks like I ate a really big burrito.  The one on the right is a definite preggo belly.

2.  I FELT the baby kick for the first time around 16 weeks.  I remember laying in bed trying to fall asleep when something/someone felt like they flicked me.  My eyes shot open thinking that Jonny, for some reason, was flicking my belly.  Nope, he was facing forward watching Sportscenter.  I sat there for a second for the shock to pass when I told Jonny, "uh...I think I may have just felt the baby."  Being a first time mom, I had no idea what to expect or what it would feel like.  I had heard all of the expressions like "butterflies" or "little fish swimming around" or "muscle twitch" but I didn't know what I would think it would feel like.  I definitely fall under the category of "muscle twitch" especially when she was so little.  I SAW the baby kick from the outside for the first time around 20 weeks. I remember exactly where I was and what I was wearing.  It was seriously one of my favorite things about the whole pregnancy.  At that moment it really starting feeling real.

3.  People think that just because you are "pregnant" means that you are "incapable of".  This bothers me.  I am pregnant not incapable of things.  I can pick up things.  I can clean.  I can walk.  I am perfectly able to do lots of things.  It's nice that people are looking out for me but if I have always done something, then I can still do it while pregnant.  Don't they think about people that are pregnant and already have kids?  They still pick up their kids and do all the things they did before they were pregnant.  I can still do the things I did before even as a first time mom.  I guess it bothers me when people pull the "I'm pregnant" card too often.  I don't like to milk it because I feel like it's crying wolf.  If it's pulled the whole pregnancy long, people will start to catch on and won't be as willing to help you if you really need.  I would rather hold on to the pregnancy card and use it when I really need it.

4.  So this is one the things that my cousin Karly and I are different on.  Yes we have a name for Baby Neeley and no we are not telling people. I get asked constantly "why?"  And one of the reasons is the exact reason Karly mentioned.  I really don't care to hear about how the name was the "name of the biggest geek in school" or "the mean girl that took people's lunch money"...and whether you want people to give their opinions or not, they do.  Jonny and I love the name and that's all that matters.  I also get asked if the name is for sure or not and yes it is.  Then you get the question, "well what happens if she comes out and doesn't look like a ____?"  Well, I think if you start calling a baby a name, they will fit their name.  One last thing on names...another reason we are keeping it a secret is because I want something to be a surprise.  You already know its a girl, why can't something remain a secret?  And I completely agree with Karly that I think its super weird for people to refer to their baby and call their "belly" the name of the baby the whole pregnancy long... rant over.

5.  I can't stand people that make everything negative and when you are 9 months pregnant, its even more annoying.  I am due in 2 days and anyone that comes in to see someone or deliver something always asks me when I am due.  Well I have a coworker who EVERYDAY tells me that I won't be due until at least the 22nd because that's the next full moon.  So I say to someone "yep I'm due Friday" or "I have 2 more days" and he immediately responds and says "oh no you have at least 8 more days...or even more!"  Ummm...don't tell a pregnant lady that they are going to go past their due date (even though that is common for first time moms) but still.  I also hear ALL the time "oh man you have to go through the WHOLE summer".  Yep.  I have pretty much realized that since its the middle of August and summer is just about over and I am 9 months pregnant.  Thanks for pointing that out.

6.  I have LOVED pregnancy.  Just about everything about it I have enjoyed.  The first couple of months weren't that bad, the second trimester was AMAZING and the last couple months haven't been bad at all either.  I haven't been in too much pain.  I hardly had any morning sickness at all.  I was able to stay active, even though I didn't actually work out but I walked a lot and was always on my feet.  I have been blessed to be tall where there is a lot of places for the baby to grow up before growing out, hence not looking very pregnant for so long.  And I have slept pretty great the whole pregnancy long.  I don't think there is anything that I would ask or want to change the next time around.

7.  Karly hit this one right on the head!  I am just done with pregnancy by this point.  Everyday is a drag because I just want the next chapter.  I have done the pregnant thing for 9 months now and I am so ready to have a baby.  I had to start looking at it differently rather than hoping that everyday something would happen or I would go into labor because that obviously wasn't doing anything besides making the days go by so much slower.  I decided to do things that Jonny and I wouldn't be able to do or would make it harder to do with a baby.  That has helped for a little bit but now I am getting to the point where we have done them all and I'm back to feeling like anyday now I should be having the baby.  Ha

8.  I have learned that reading material on pregnancy and symptoms is helpful but can also be very dangerous for an over-analytic mind like mine.  I know a lot about pregnancy and what things are supposed to happen.  I have read lots of books, pamphlets and apps.  I have gone to classes and ask my doctor multiple questions just about every appointment.  I think its good to have knowledge on something.  But what I need to remember for next time is that everyone's pregnancy is so different.  I hear it all the time but the more I talk to people about what they have felt or when they had their babies, I realize that it is soooo true.  I can't predict the future and I have just learned by this point to trust my body.  I know when something isn't right.  (I really think that this is where the mother's intuition comes in that people always talk know "mom always knows" or "mom always finds out".  I think it starts in the womb)

9.  I have learned that getting ready for the day, showering, make-up, and getting dressed up makes you just feel so much better even though you may be hurting or just over being pregnant.  I think it has not only made me not hate the pictures I take everyday, but it really makes me want to stay active.  I think people tend to use pregnancy as a way of "letting go" of themselves.  Skipping make-up, wearing sweatpants, etc. and I think that just makes you feel the way you look...not good.  Yes...I have worn Jonny's basketball shorts and t shirts around the house and sometimes to volleyball lessons but other wise, I try to get myself ready and be some what put together.  Maybe that has helped me enjoy pregnancy more or maybe it just made it just made me feel like myself when I have a monster basketball ball under my shirt.

Even after all of these things, I still learn more about pregnancy everyday and I love it.  I hope all my pregnancy are as good as this one!  Now, just waiting to open the next chapter and learn all there is to know about taking care of Baby Neeley! :)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Last week...

I have made it to the last week of the 40 week long pregnancy.  I wish I could say that this will be my last week pregnant but we all know that she will come when she is ready and unfortunately we don't know when that will be :/  Oh well.  I was getting really anxious and over thinking everything I felt or didn't feel and realized that not only wasn't help her get here, but it also made for some really long and stressful days.  I have taken a new attitude towards the whole situation.  This week Jonny and I have enjoyed each other; doing things that we know would be more difficult when Baby Neeley decides to come.  We stayed late at friends houses playing games.  We went to a see a movie in the theater.  We played a game, just the two of us.  We were spontaneous.  Those, like many other things, won't be impossible when she comes but I think will definitely make it harder.  I am grateful for the little time that Jonny and I have left, just the two of us.

This weeks happenings:

*We played some games and our new but very good friend's house.  They just recently moved here from Utah and we LOVE them!  They have 4 precious kids and they are just hilarious.

*Jonny has had volleyball everyday and I have been able to go and watch.

*I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday.  My doctor said everything looked good.  He was on vacation last week so he wasn't the one that physically gave me the exam last week.  He said its hard to know for certain that I have progressed more since last week since it was another doctors opinion.  But he did say, knowing how that other doctor does exams, that he believes I have progressed.  He said I was 1 1/2 cm dilated and he said he normally underestimates to be on the safe side.  As far as station and effacement, he didn't really say an exact number but my guess is probably cause it was the same.

*Yesterday there was a team party for the 8th grade volleyball girls at the Pilkingtons.  Jonny and I went up there and hung out for hours.  As I was sitting there I started to realize that I was having contractions.  This was my first time ever realizing that I was actually having contractions.  Normally, I get them when I stand or go to the bathroom and occasionally when I walk, but I was just sitting.  So after the first couple I thought I probably should start timing.  I soon realized that they were coming every 5 minutes on average and lasting about 45 seconds.  I timed for an hour and they were pretty consistent.  So after an hour, I got up and started walking around to change position and see if that changed the consistency of them.  They weren't hurting at all so it was just the tightening.  This was close to 10 pm so I just thought that I would stop timing and just go to bed and if it was the real deal, that it would wake me up.  I got the bags packed just in case and went to bed.  I woke up around 2 with my stomach hurting but to me it felt like I needed to throw up.  I'm not sure what that was but it eventually pasted and I fell back asleep.  And here I am, sitting at work.  So I'm not sure what those contractions were but hopefully they were doing something.  I just always thought that Braxton Hicks were infrequent so it makes me think it was the real deal but then I'm pretty sure labor doesn't just stop after its started.  But what do I know...

My next appointment will be Wednesday this week because my mom is flying into town Tuesday night and wants to come with me!  I can't wait to see her and for her to be here for everything. :)

Well enough of this week...lets talk pregnancy updates!



39 weeks

Total weight gain so far: Up to 24 pounds total weight gain this week.

How far along are you: 39 weeks

Maternity clothes: Ummm yep.

Sleep: I have been able to sleep pretty well still which I consider myself very lucky.  I know that most pregnant women can't get a ton of sleep around this time.  I am sleeping as much as I can.  I'm trying to store up sleep for when I won't be getting much in the next couple of weeks.

Best moment this week: As weird as this sounds, the contractions were probably the highlight of the week.  And I say that probably because 1.) they didn't hurt and 2.) that is hope that my body is doing something to prepare for birth.  I will take anything that gets me closer!

Miss anything: As volleyball season is starting up and getting closer to the beginning of the school year, I am missing being able to practice and play with the girls.  I can't wait until I will be able to pepper and dive for balls and jump set!  I never realized how much I truly love the sport until I haven't been able to play for 7 months.

Movement: Yes. One second I feel her hiccups waaaay down low then she gives me a good kick to the ribs.  Poor Baby Neeley needs to come out so she can stretch!

Food cravings: Things sound good but I don't crave anything.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No. 

Have you started to show yet: I'm a whale.

Gender: Girl

Belly button in or out: Flat/in-ish

Labor signs: Last night was the first real sign I would say.  I have never been aware of the contractions until last night.  Not sure if they were Braxton Hicks or not but whatever they were, it was my body preparing!

Wedding rings on or off: On.  And no swelling since traveling.

Looking forward to: my mom coming! and of course the babe coming out and meeting the world!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Friday, August 2, 2013

Come out, Come out wherever you are!

Oh Baby Neeley....I really think it is time for you to come out.  And I know everyone else is just as excited to meet you too.  Anytime now that you decide is good is great with me.  Daddy and I are ready!

This week I had an "ah ha" moment.  I finally realized why pregnant women waddle.  It's not necessarily because they have massive bulges in their midsection area (even though that do make it harder to do simple stuff) but it's because it HURTS!  I've got 20 pounds of extra weight sitting on my pelvic bone pushing down.  And not only is it pushing down, but it's spreading apart.  Ouch!  But as much as it is uncomfortable right now, I have to look back on the rest of my pregnancy and be grateful for such an amazing pregnancy.  I hardly had morning sickness.  I didn't have any swelling (with the exception of traveling).  I really had an amazing experience being pregnant and am truly grateful for that.

Monday I got a text from a good friend of ours here in Russellville.  Her daughter has played for us for the last 2 years for school and club so we have grown to love their family!  Her husband is a radiologist here in town so he has hook ups to the ultrasound room.  She texted me saying that there was an opening at the ultrasound room and wanted to know if I wanted to come by and take a peek at Baby Neeley.  Of course I jumped ALL over that offer.  I just wish Jonny was able to come too but he was down in Little Rock at a volleyball team camp with his girls.  It's always amazing to see the babe moving around in there.  It got me even more excited to have this baby then before!  Basically, she told me the baby is measuring 3 days earlier than my due date, measuring 7lbs 2oz plus or minus a pound and an oz.  So not super accurate but it's ok!  I was grateful that I was able to go get some information and even some pictures!  I know how sonograms are hard to see what everything is but I will post them anyway :)

This is a very close up on the baby's profile towards the right side with her hand up close to her face.  Check out those lips!  Definitely did not get those from me.

This one is a little harder to see.  But she is looking almost straight on.  I just love this one because to me it actually looks like a little baby.  I'm in love.

I also had fun doing a little collage of our growing baby.  It's crazy to really think about how a baby grew in my tummy.

This week I had my first cervical exam at my doctors appointment.  The whole appointment was seriously 4 minutes long because the doctor had to go deliver a baby.  Luckily she was able to squeeze me in before she left or I could have been sitting in that room for a long time.  She told me that I was dilated to 1 cm, 70% effaced and at a station 0 so basically half way into my pelvic bone.  No wonder it hurts!  For anyone that doesn't know what "station" means, check out this sweet diagram that came in the book we got at child birthing class.

I know that these cervical exams can't really predict when you are going to have the baby but I am pretty stoked that my body is at least making progress.  I have heard stories about how people were at 1 cm for weeks and had to be induced to people that went in and got checked and the doctor told them their cervix was shut tight and it would be weeks until they have their baby and they went into labor that night.  I know it doesn't really mean anything that I have progressed but I just try to stay positive.  I know she will come when she is ready.

Other than the doctors appointment this week and the spontaneous ultrasound, it has been pretty dull.  We are still doing volleyball lessons which is good because it keeps me active and walking around.  I know that helps Baby Neeley make her way down which is great with me :)  And we really love doing volleyball lessons.  It is amazing to watch players develop before your eyes.  I love teaching people the sport I love (and desperately want to play right now!) and teach them to love it too.

Ok...enough of my emotion rambling about volleyball.  Which speaking of being emotional...Oh.My.Gosh.  I have been so stinking emotional.  I cry over the little things.  I cried because I accidently deleted a sports clip Jonny had recorded on our DVR.  I cried at mutual on Wednesday.  I cry every time I see a picture of a mother and her new baby.  Yep...I would say I am definitely pregnant and just about to have a baby.  Ha.





38 weeks

  Total weight gain so far: Still at 22 pounds total weight gain this week.

How far along are you: 38 weeks

Maternity clothes: Ummm ya.

Sleep: Lately I have been dreaming and thinking about labor NON-STOP.  Two nights ago I woke up at 12:30 and almost woke up Jonny to tell him we needed to go to the hospital because I was in labor.  But the funny thing was, I was not in pain.  I was not having contractions.  My water did not break.  But for some reason I have convinced myself that I will go into labor in the middle of the night and so every night I think about it.  It's weird.

Best moment this week: I love doctors appointment but I would say the best thing this week was having that ultrasound.  It made it so much real and I can't wait to hold Baby Neeley!!

Miss anything: Walking normal.

Movement: Yes.  I know she is running out of room though!

Food cravings: No?  I like certain things but it's not like I HAVE to have it.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. 

Have you started to show yet: I'm a monster.

Gender: Girl

Belly button in or out: Flat/in-ish

Labor signs: Not really?  I don't think I am having Braxton Hicks.  I just have a lot of round ligament pain.  But really I don't know.  I have nothing to compare to.  I don't even know if I will have any painful contractions before I am in labor.  Some people don't!  Just taking it one day at a time.

Wedding rings on or off: On.  Luckily I have been blessed not to have much swelling.

Looking forward to: getting this baby out and holding her!  I am seriously soo excited.

Really random...but we are working on getting our pictures from our camera memory card to the computer from our New York trip and when I do, I will blog about it!

So until next week friends...maybe. :)