So my Mom came into town on Tuesday! YAY!! I sure love my mom. All of my family actually. I am really blessed to have such an amazing family and marry into such an amazing family. Since she has been here, we have tried 3 new recipes, gone shopping, went to the doctors appointment and watched a movie. It has been so nice already to have her around and she is still staying for 1 1/2 more weeks at least! I am so happy that she has been able to come out and help out. I know that I would be lost without her when Baby Neeley comes.
Wednesday morning I had my doctors appointment. He told me that I was an easy and loose 2 cm and he probably could have stretched me to a 3. We discussed the options (induction, waiting or striping membranes) and decided to skip striping the membranes at that doctors appointment because he didn't work the next day and he wasn't on call this weekend so if striping them worked, it would increase the chance that he would not deliver my baby. It's obviously something that I can't completely handle of when the baby comes and if my doctor would be on call or working which is fine. To me, the most important thing is a healthy baby. With that being said, we did decide on a induction date of Monday August 19 so our baby will be here in less than 3 days! 3 DAYS PEOPLE!! or less if she decides that she wants to come before. I hear that a lot of people set an induction date and their baby ends up coming on their own like the day or two before. I would be even more happy with that! :)
Yesterday, I came home a little early from work because my stomach was hurting. Not like sick hurting, like baby is coming hurting. Lots of cramping and being uncomfortable. Then it stopped a few hours later. It had to have been doing something right? I sure hope so!
Here's to a new day and my due date! Everyone keep those fingers crossed and maybe we will have Baby Neeley before Monday!
Here is my LAST pregnancy update (well for this one at least). Wow! Here it goes...lots of pictures!
40 weeks. The bottom left picture is one of the apps that I read daily with tips on pregnancy. Under Countdown instead of having the days, it just says "Today is the day!" I wish she came today...
Total weight gain so far: Up to 24 1/2 pounds total weight gain this week.
How far along are you: 40 weeks. The end
Maternity clothes: Still. Weird huh?
Sleep: So tired. Trying to get as much sleep as possible to get ready for labor and long nights after that. Still very much enjoying sleep!
Best moment this week: Setting an induction date was pretty awesome cause now I know for a fact that she will be here in less than 3 days! Some of the unknown is gone! And of course picking up my mom and having her stay with us for the next couple of weeks! :)
Miss anything: The rest of my family. I know its impossible to just pick up and come out but I sure miss them. Hopefully I will be able to see some of them in November when we bless our babe.
Movement: Always
Food cravings: Gosh. My mom and I made these A-MAZ-ING Reese's peanut butter muffin cookie things. They are to die for! I guess you can say I crave those because they are just so good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: My last exam actually made my nauseous when he was doing it. I guess because he was really poking around. It hurt and made me almost throw up. Not fun.
Have you started to show yet: I'm almost done with her being inside.
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out: Flat/in-ish
Labor signs: Sure. Thursday's cramping sesh. Surely that was doing something.
Wedding rings on or off: On. And no swelling since traveling.
Looking forward to: This weekend as it will be our last before Baby Neeley comes. And then of course Monday and having the babe!
So this really is my last post as a first time pregnant lady. I hope you weren't too bored. :)